Thursday, March 20, 2008

in just-spring

in just-

spring when the world is mud

luscious the little

lame balloonman

whistles far and wee.

e.e. cummings.

today is the first day of spring 2008. at my house the forsythia's have popped their bright yellow color, the trees are budding and the crab apple tree that i planted last year has made it through the heat of summer and the cold of winter and is getting ready to do it's thing.

i am so ready for warmer weather. i'm ready to open up the windows and let the breeze take away with it the old closed in winter feeling. bringing in fresh new allergies to take with me into summer.

easter is coming really early this year. if you don't know already or haven't realized it, easter moves around. easter falls on the 1st sunday after the 1st full moon after the spring equinox. hmmm sounds kind of pagany doesn't it. please forgive my constant references back to paganism. i just don't believe that any religion should get on their high horses about the meaning of holidays that didn't belong to them in the first place. i don't have a problem with them celebrating them but to be honest about where they came from.

i like holiday's of all sorts. especially when there is candy involved.




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