Monday, January 28, 2008

addendum to the hokey pokey philosophy

*The Hokey Pokey*
Shakespearean Style

O proud left foot, that ventures quick within
Then soon upon a backward journey lithe.
Anon, once more the gesture, then begin:
Command sinistral pedestal to writhe.
Commence thou then the fervid Hokey-Poke.
A mad gyration, hips in wanton swirl.
To spin! A wilde release from heaven's yoke.
Blessed dervish! Surely canst go, girl.
The Hoke, the poke -- banish now thy doubt
Verily, I say, 'tis what it's all about.

thanks to my sister for passing this on to me.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

oh the weather outside...

is FREAKIN' cold. it's raining today and if it freezes overnight, we here in the south are screwed. and contrary to popular belief, us southerners can drive in the snow. but you see we don't get just snow. snow always comes hand in hand with inches of ice. or just enough ice that it hides in the road and when a car, that just came off the blocks that weekend, drives over it grabs that car and makes it do unfamiliar things. cause the only thing we know about ice is iced tea and ice cold beer. and of course we know that we need to buy bags of it if we are having a party. but to know enough about it to walk on it or drive on it just ain't happening.

monday was my birthday. yeah me. the celebrations started on friday. lori took me out to lunch. we went to the GOLDEN EAGLE. it's a mongolian stir fry place. and i loved it. it's a picky eaters dream. however, lori got sick and said it was food poisiong. sorry lori but that's what comes from eating your veggies.

saturday i went to my best friend dave's house to hang out with him and his wife. had a great time. they got me a fold out star that light's up and a hot pink sari. i tried it on a few times and then hung it on my wall.

sunday just laid around the shack. brad and i got the errands done early and then both of us just relaxed.

on monday i got a massage. it was great and i have the bruises to prove it. brad and i ended the evening with a meal at demo's. paid for a gift certificate from david and the girls and the money that has come out of brad's pockets before or after i do the laundry.

tata for now chicklettes.

Friday, January 11, 2008

2008 thank goddess.
let's see. it's been 11 days and i have had my house refinanced, new gutters installed, a mammogram and a physical. i'm healthy by the way. even though i ate every sugar product in grabbing distance for the last 2 months, my sugar levels were great and my cholesterol was better than average. the doctor said that i must have good genes. "yes i do" i replied. i come from a loonnnng line of farmers who ate nothing but potatoes, corn and bread and of course some veggies and probably more pork than beef. thank goddess again. i love me some bread and potatoes. and by the looks of it-processed sugar. and this week i replaced the inner workings of my toilet with a little help from bf brad.

last week i attended the future planning commission meeting for rutherford county. i received a letter in the mail letting me know that there was going to be a meeting about a zoning change for my neighborhood and since i lived 500 of the change it was required by law to inform me. some body wanted to put in a "junk yard" on 16 acres of wooded land inside my neighborhood which is called on the map "LAZY ACRES". it was very important for us to attend this first meeting. 10 households showed up. which is a lot considering there are only around 35-40 house's. mr. junk yard man was the first to speak. he explained what he was wanting to do with the land. it was going to be a dismantling area for cars. a very nice modern facility. surrounded by a tall closed fence. working hours would be normal business hours and HUGE trucks would be bringing the cars in daily for dismantling. oh yeah i think they were going to crush them there too. several people lined up to talk against the change. it's a neighborhood where children play and people walk and both streets are a dead ends. guinea hens room from house to house not a lot of traffic and feels safe. NO MISTER JUNK YARD MAN. i was the last to talk cause after i sat down. mr. junk yard man got back up and said that he wasn't for it now and he withdrew his request. LAZY ACRES voice was heard saying OH BUT NO, PRINCESS, no one thinks that's a good idea. i would like to think that mr. junk yard man had no idea about the big picture, but after hearing the people who lived there talk realized that it wasn't a good thing.

until next time