Thursday, September 11, 2008

well folks, it just another boring day at work. sometimes it gets so boring that i often contemplate getting a new job so i can be busy. i like to be busy at work. it makes the day go by faster and coming home that much sweeter. but on days like this i can't find enough to do. i do have filing to do but deep down in my heart i know that the task will only last a few minutes and not worth the trouble. i'm going to save it for a really busy day. i've even talked with other people today just to pass the time but most of them got lucky to sit through a boring presentation for a couple of hours. in the dark. in a very cool room. i don't think i could make it. i wouldn't be able to keep my eyes open.

so lets see what is going on in the real world.

mccain tagged sarah palin to be his vice president. whatever. i believe that the only reason he picked her was because hilary was getting a lot of the democratic votes and mccain and his minions thought it would be a great idea to jump on that band wagon. and the sad part is he might be right. i am sure that there are women out there who want a female president or in this matter as vice president so bad that they would vote for this aging prisoner of war just so the femi-nazis of this country can say that a women finally made it to the white house. and again whatever. i wont be voting for him just to see a tina fey look alike make it to the white house. i don't feel that she is qualified. she just has a vagina.

today is 9/11/08. a day to remember all the people who died because of some fundamentalist muslims who felt the need to prove a point and hijack airplanes and fly them into buildings.
and 7 years later where has it gotten us? think about it. just more deaths.
it's also my friend dollie's birthday. that's gotta suck. but happy birthday anyway. just be glad that your alive and well.

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