in less than a month the nation will decide on it's new president. it's become a heated battle and sometimes it feels that it's a fight between good and evil. our country is spiraling out of control and we haven't even glimpsed the bottom. our money's no good, the economy is collapsing, we are in a war under false pretense's, we have lost trust in our political leaders and the rest of the world hates us. this administration is arrogant and bullyish. 8 years ago a lot of people saw this coming and we voted against, who i feel is, one of the most disillusioned men in america. however, we were outnumbered. 8 years ago i took one look at gw and saw disaster. he would be nothing but trouble and i was shocked that other people didn't see it. my gut told me then that he wasn't the right man for the job. then 4 years ago me and a lot of other people were out voted again. i was once again shocked that people couldn't see his real face. but as time goes on i can see that maybe, just maybe he has destroyed this nations trust in itself so badly that people will scream out for change.
once again this year i have decided to follow my gut one more time. i know that it may not be the best way to determine who i vote for but it's a feeling that i have come to believe in. i remember one time where i told someone that's how i vote and that person said "you can't vote based on that" well yeah i can. it's my right as an american to do so.
late last year i saw a commercial where obama was promoting the superbowl. and even though he was on the tv for a few seconds my gut told me that he was "the one" to be the next president. long before the primaries had even started. every time i see him i can't get that feeling out of my mind. for the first time i feel that someone speaks to me and for me. he has a believable quality. but do i feel he is completely trustworthy? uuhhh no. what i do feel is that he will lead the way for people other than upper class white men to become the leaders of our country. no chance for women. no chance for hispanics, no chance for asians, no chance for people with a different belief other than christianity will be able to lead us until the door has been opened. and i believe that obama is the key to opening that door. to break down the good ole boy network. will be be the best president? don't know. will he make choices for this country based on the voice of the rich? yeah probably. will he fixed our corrupt system? no. we are way beyond being fixed by one man and one administration. but he will set a precedence.
for 8 years i have been able to tell all those people, who now bitch and complain about the state of the nation, "you voted for him- TWICE" i would now like the opportunity to be responsible for electing someone who has the potential to be great. and in 4 years when things are still bad you can feel free to look at me and say "you voted for him" damn right i did.
5 years ago
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