so after all the spending i have been doing fixing things that were breaking around the house i decided to go further into debt and start a project that i was more or less in control of. i have needed a new shed for...well...longer than i have lived at the house. when i bought the house the shed came complete with rusted metal panels and leaky roofs and doors that wouldn't shut completely and were dented. well maybe that is my fault. my car decided to run into them one night when i forgot to pull up the hand brake. but anyway. the shed sat on a reasonable facsimile of a concrete base. it was crumble and crackly and hopefully will make the extraction of said concrete base easy.
project "new shed" was officially started yesterday. even though i cleaned the shed out on sunday...mostly.
one of the things i forgot to do was to take a before picture. so when i came out with my camera phone brad (who i need to mention is a stud) held the shed back up so you could get the idea. it was already on it's side by the time i remembered.

at this point i should say that i was close to being a little stressed because all the screws wouldn't come out of the shed. i was wanting to destroy the thing in an orderly fashion. that didn't happen. that wont happen. bf brad just explained that it was no big deal that he could break it apart using the sledge hammer and proved it. "let go, let goddess".

look at it now. all compacted into one flat pile. it will still need to be dismantled a little more but i feel much better about it.
now onto the concrete base or the reasonable facsimile thereof.

this is the base that will have to come out. with the help from brad i am going to put the new shed on a deck. using lumber of course and dek block. cause i HATE to dig.
i have reserved a jack hammer for friday. but brad tried the sledge hammer and is thinking we may not need it cause so far it seems soft enough to break. or whatever allows concrete to break easy. so if he wants to use his he-man muscles to break apart the concrete who am i to argue. he's good like that.
let's see how the rest of the project goes. luckily i follow directions well. but i do tend to become over whelmed if i am allowed to look at the big picture. as long as i can keep focus on the task at hand and brad doesn't loose patience with me it will all be good.
today i need to buy a wheel barrow. so until next time.
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