Friday, December 07, 2007

seems like old times

wow it feels like it's been forever since i wrote something.
so let's see if i can fill up some space.
it's december. and in december comes xmas. a poor month for me.
i had a girl xmas work party last friday. it was fun. i would like to take this time to say that I LOVE CHOCOLATE MARTINI'S. they are mmmm..mmmm good. the only drink where i lick the inside of the glass. tomorrow is the company party. that's were we get to dress up and have a nice sit down dinner. the band this year will be KEN SCAT SPRINGS. he and his band have been playin' our parties for years.

and during this busy and stressful month i believe that my company will go through a lay off. i hope i'm safe, i think i'm safe never know. but it's all good. i am going with the belief that if i am suppose to be here then i will be. if the universe wants me to go out and do something else then maybe the upcoming week will be my last at this place.

i have gotten out of a summons for jury duty for the county that i used to live in. i have refinanced one of my home loans.

more in the upcoming weeks. here's to having a weekly income.

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