there are lots of things that excite me, and one of those things is finding an author who writes books that i want to devour. the last time i came across one of those authors (thanks goes out to my friend mike from man about murfreesboro for finding the book in the bargain bin at a chain bookstore and thought that i would like it) i fell in love. i fell in love with terry pratchett. he's british, he's funny and he is freakin brilliant. he is responsible for the DISC WORLD SERIES and so far NO ONE has even come close to the pedestal that i have him on. with that said a new author found it's way into my life last week. it seems that most of the ladies in my office has read her and even though she doesn't come close to terry pratchett she is on the ladder. her name is janet evanovich and she writes the STEPHANIE PLUM SERIES. they are crime novels and hilarious. her characters are well developed and the author understands cynical humor. i find myself laughing out loud as i read her books. when that happens i know that the author has found what it takes to turn me on.
luckily these authors always find me. i don't go out in search for them. i rarely go to a bookstore and buy books off the rack. i go to used book stores and our library here has a book sale every month. you can't beat a 50 cent book.
5 years ago
1 comment:
On a whim I decided to see if Mike was still doing his Man about Murfreesboro thing and voila there was a list of blogs from so many of my long lost friends. Love the name of yours so I had to check it out.
Pratchett's one of the best, can't wait to see Hogfather. I saw a promo this weekend and had to do a double take. Good Omens was my first read and my favorite so far.
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