hello all
well i got my new phone, isn't it cute. even though it cost me a few more bucks to get the razr in pink. why does a paint job cost more money? cause we are suckers for color. i haven't had a lot of time to mess with it. but i have taken pictures and video and have entered phone numbers and taken a pic of my boyfriend so when he calls his picture will show up in the little screen on the cover. i also like that the numbers are bigger. this phone is set up for other types of communication so the bigger numbers help out a lot. i don't plan on using this phone for other forms of communication. i communicate with everyone i know using the basic forms like telephone and email. if i'm not near any of those, communicaton can wait. i wanted it so i could take pictures and video and be able to talk on the phone using the speakerphone. even though i can appreciate technology i still prefer talking to someone face to face or voice to voice. call me old fashion but that's the way i role.
"survivor" still has everyone in a tizzy. GM pulled their sponsership from the show, but says it "had nothing to do with the show's recent announcement that it was arranging its teams based on contestants' race and ethnicity." and i kind of believe it. but the show has found a new sponser to replace GM but wont tell who. the more controversy about the show the more i can't wait to see it. imagine...you are put into a team where everyone with you is the same race. your choices of how you decide to vote out someone has been narrowed by the fact that you can't vote someone out based on their race (consciously or subconsciously) because whether we want to admit it or not no one is color blind unless their blind. we see color. we experience color through culture. it's how we deal with that person that's makes the difference in being racist or not. anyhoo, so these people can't use the "race" card. they will have to make their decisions based on something else. fun fun fun. but i think the tension and the fighting will be the same. i don't remember seeing a lot of racisim to begin with in the show. of course they could have edited it out but i doubt it.
i heard that president bush was in nashville yesterday to help "sell" Republican U.S. Senate candidate Bob Corker. but from what i can tell it was upstaged by a murder/suicide in murfreesboro. just another example of the death and destruction following in his wake.
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