Friday, September 22, 2006
comments about the corporate world
sometimes "control freaks" really really get on my fucking nerves. always right, everybody else is wrong, and heaven forbid that they would let you come up with anything on your own or do anything on your own because you know that there will be a comment about it not being right. and then on top of it all they wonder aloud in a victimized voice to other people why they have to deal with everything. i would like to say in a very loud voice " BECAUSE IT'S YOU OWN FAULT". if you weren't so consumed in having your way and not trusting that someone else may be more efficient than you or have a different way of looking at things you wouldn't have to do everything. but since you don't most people will let you do it yourself to make sure it's done to your satisfaction.
and what i really hate is when they try to control what i do or what i have been doing for several years and they are not my manager. now i will say that when it comes to what i do every single freaking day for 7 freaking years that yeah i can be a little controlling but you know what, it's ran smoothly for that many years and i don't like other people who have no idea about what i do telling me what i should do.
these are also the people with no sense of humor.
right now they can just "BITE ME"
alrighty...i'm done venting.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
on national tv people.
and the "big chicken" said NO
Corker Rejects Debate With Ford On "Meet The Press"
Posted: 9/8/2006 7:55:42 PM
GOP Senate candidate Bob Corker has rejected appearing on NBC TV's "Meet the Press" to debate his Democratic opponent U.S. Representative Harold Ford Jr.
The show's executive producer told the Chattanooga Times Free Press that they had hoped to get a debate scheduled.
Corker's staff didn't offer a reason for declining.
Ford called it a missed opportunity and said he's said yes to every single debate.
Corker campaign manager Ben Mitchell said Corker has agreed to three debates between the candidates inside Tennessee.
now, i ask you, why would someone who is running for the US Senate NOT go onto national tv and debate their enemy..(cough) uhh opponent? why? if you don't have the balls to debate your opponent on national tv then you don't have the balls for the job of US Senator. and that's one thing we are lacking right now is balls. lots of dicks but no balls.
apparently this isn't the first time that mr. i'm a big chicken has declined a debate. in december he boycotted a scheduled US senate debate in memphis against fellow republicans to be held in january.
on ABC remember. what has ABC put out in the last oh so many decades? oh wait a minute...they are the ones that do Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. ok well i like that one.
politicans are screaming, american airlines is jumping to legal actions. now granted the fact that ABC started advertising this as a factual based documentary was just plain wrong in the first place. but i blame only you if you believed it. it's ABC. and i guess i shouldn't be shocked that the people who would believe it or like to believe it are the same people who voted for the anti-christ's first cousin aka bush. there are so many signs out there that we as a nation are fucked, and the conservative right using ABC as the platform to show their delusional side of the facts is just another brick in the wall. and no i didn't watch it. and no i'm not even going to comment on the content. it's ABC people. i have HBO. and i was watching the FANTASTIC FOUR. and besides the fact that i have seen countless documentaries and shows about 9/11. i've read some of the 9/11 commision reports. and i don't need to go seeking for more information about a horrible day in american history, that i do believe the administration knew would happen, on AB-freaking C.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
go humanity
i knew that when bush was elected the first time that he would take us straight into a war. and i was right. i also felt that him being in office was going to be a very very bad thing. i was so upset by the thought that so many couldn't or wouldn't see through his bullish, smarmy, salesmany ways and just plain evil aura that i came to the conclusion that we were born into this life as an american to help destroy the nation. i also stopped watching him on tv. at the time in the very beginning i saw him as the anti-christ, and by watching him on tv his evil spirit would seep through and try to attach itself to my spirit. but 100 years have past and he is still the president and now i think of him only as the 1st cousin to the anti-christ. he alone doesn't seem smart enough to be what my idea of the anti-christ is. he now appears to be a spoiled child in a man's body who has the power to blow us the hell up. he is the bully of the 21st century. everybody hates us as a country and he helped perpetuate that hate. we as a people are hated by association. and the sad thing is if something did happen to him whether from sickness, death or impeachment we are stuck with another 1st cousin. at this time i don't know the lesser of the 2 evils. i just feel that the next 3 years are going to be the longest 3 years in american history. whether you agree with me or not. it will be bad. and i still don't watch him on tv.
but i will say this. even though all i can see is doom and gloom as a nation i know that because of this we will see humanity at it's best. humans in general have a way of falling back into the instinctual behavior of caring and compassion. we saw it on 9/11 we saw it during the devastation of katrina we see it when another stands up to the bully and demands answers and calls the bully out on his bs, we see it in other countries where even though there has been fighting for decades, these people still show love to others who they have been fighting against. sometimes they are called dissidents, unpatriotic and traitors against their country. but whatever the label, i feel that when forgiveness, compassion and love are the reason behind any action they supersede any action based on religion or country or creed or race.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
sunday again. it's 8 am i just got back from a walk around my
neighborhood. it's great in the morning. no one is out and the dogs
are quite. and i live in a quiet rural area so there is a lot of land
and animals to look at instead of cookie cutter houses. there is none
of that here. most of these houses were built in the 70's with unique
characteristics. there is also the hint of fall in the air. since i
have grown up entirely in the south i can't say if other places have
that distinct smell of fall in the air. but in the south you do. and
it has a smell of death and decay but not in a bad way. trees and
plants and flowers are dying and the temperature is falling with a
small hint of a chill. we get the see the circle of nature going into
winter. it's time to harvest and set up for winter cause it will be
here soon. i love fall. it's my favorite season. spring would be
next. after the dreariness of winter spring starts to bring out the
color of nature all pastelly and light and fall shows all the colors of
passing with bright reds, oranges, yellows and browns.
do you remember about a year ago when tom cruise made a comment about
brooke shields taking drugs for postpartum depression? he said that
she was misguided and that there was no science behind emotional and
chemical imbalances and that it's dangerous to be taking paxil.
because of course he knows what he is talking about. that she should
take vitamins instead to help her with her problem. he also mentioned
that her career was over. i don't know what the 2 have to do with
each other. i do think there is some truth in using vitamins to set
the body back on track after giving birth but i've never had a child so
i don't know what goes on with all the hormones in a woman's body after
birth. however, i've been a woman all my life and have experienced
decades of periods and hormone ups and downs and wanting to rip the
head of many people because my emotions were out of control and drugs
would have been a welcome comfort from the maelstrom raging inside me.
so if brooke shields needed drugs to get past her problem then good for
her. but tom acted like he knew better about what goes on inside a
woman's body. when i first heard about his comments my first reaction
was "until tom cruise grows a vagina he should keep his mouth shut" i
feel that way about any man who thinks he knows what goes on inside a
woman's body.
well tom has FINALLY apologized.
a year later he says he is sorry. and brooke, being the seemingly well
adjusted person possibly because of the use of paxil, accepted his
apology. i wonder who else he will be apologizing to since his career
is plummeting down because of his crazy antics. maybe he needs to
spend more time getting his brain re-circuited or whatever the
scientology people do to make them better people because something has
failed in his main frame and he is losing his status as the golden boy.
i used to really like tom cruise but now i just see him as a short man
with a napoleon complex who is trying really hard to be the "alpha" of
the pact when he has "beta" written in his genetic code.
Friday, September 01, 2006
wakey wakey eggs and bakey

hello all
well i got my new phone, isn't it cute. even though it cost me a few more bucks to get the razr in pink. why does a paint job cost more money? cause we are suckers for color. i haven't had a lot of time to mess with it. but i have taken pictures and video and have entered phone numbers and taken a pic of my boyfriend so when he calls his picture will show up in the little screen on the cover. i also like that the numbers are bigger. this phone is set up for other types of communication so the bigger numbers help out a lot. i don't plan on using this phone for other forms of communication. i communicate with everyone i know using the basic forms like telephone and email. if i'm not near any of those, communicaton can wait. i wanted it so i could take pictures and video and be able to talk on the phone using the speakerphone. even though i can appreciate technology i still prefer talking to someone face to face or voice to voice. call me old fashion but that's the way i role.
"survivor" still has everyone in a tizzy. GM pulled their sponsership from the show, but says it "had nothing to do with the show's recent announcement that it was arranging its teams based on contestants' race and ethnicity." and i kind of believe it. but the show has found a new sponser to replace GM but wont tell who. the more controversy about the show the more i can't wait to see it. are put into a team where everyone with you is the same race. your choices of how you decide to vote out someone has been narrowed by the fact that you can't vote someone out based on their race (consciously or subconsciously) because whether we want to admit it or not no one is color blind unless their blind. we see color. we experience color through culture. it's how we deal with that person that's makes the difference in being racist or not. anyhoo, so these people can't use the "race" card. they will have to make their decisions based on something else. fun fun fun. but i think the tension and the fighting will be the same. i don't remember seeing a lot of racisim to begin with in the show. of course they could have edited it out but i doubt it.
i heard that president bush was in nashville yesterday to help "sell" Republican U.S. Senate candidate Bob Corker. but from what i can tell it was upstaged by a murder/suicide in murfreesboro. just another example of the death and destruction following in his wake.