Friday, August 25, 2006

oh what a tangled web we weave

a good friend of mine (let's call him john) called me yesterday to tell me that his partner of 12 years broke up with him. wow that's longer that some straight marriages. but that's neither here nor there.

obviously john's heart is broken. the reasons for the break up are numerous and wont be mentioned here but i will say that i thought my friend john was deceived for many years. and now john blames himself for the betrayal and loss of trust. it's not john's fault. it is the lovers fault for lying. john's fault was that he sensed something was up and didn't say anything about it. john was afraid of the truth. learning the truth, hearing the truth, living with the truth. sometimes the thought of those 3 simple "truths" make me physically ill. all of our lives would be better off if we weren't afraid of the truth.

so now john has to start on the road to recovery. all we really want in this life is to be loved by another. to have love given freely to us. to feel that we are special in someone else's life. and that we trust that feeling. but to be deceived for years by someone we thought loved us is hard to endure. if i could take his pain away i would do it gladly. but unfortunately i had to leave my magic wand in my last life because THEY wouldn't let me take it with me. all i can do it listen and pray.

those founding fathers of ours didn't know what they were taking about and the christians wonder why they are getting such a bad rap all of the time. your getting a bad rap cause people like katherine harris is one crazy b*t*h for christ

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HICKY, CHICKY, STICKY----I read your blog and you remind me of a very, very close friend of mine.....hmmmmmm:-)