then don't say anything.
yeah that sounds like me. i'm known for keeping my mouth shut.
ya'll i am tired of hearing brett favre’s name. what i do find weird is that when i do hear his name it’s on the radio and t.v. but i never see any articles about him. from what i understand he went into retirement from the packers but decided he wanted to play again but got pissed off when the packers wouldn’t let him start. he sounds like a big ol’ baby, that’s what i think.
big brother started again. last time it sucked. they had big brother “soul mate” or something like that. each person in the house had another person in the house that was suppose to be their soul mate. oh please. so i didn’t watch much of it. i do believe that big brother would be the reality show that i could handle being on, if it wasn’t for the slop. i’m not into eating anything that looks like oatmeal and god knows what it taste like. i’m a picky eater.
also some of my other favorite reality shows have started again. “sheer genius” & “project runway”. yeah. i love my t.v. and it’s too hot to go outside.
last night was the sneak preview of "dinner impossible" with michael symon. the food network hired michael to do the show after robert irvine fattened up his resume with some bullshit info. anyway...for desert he decided to fry up some bacon and cover them in chocolate and then add almonds on top.
as some of you may know i am a bacon addict, and i had to remove myself from looking at the t.v. because it was just toooooo much for me. bacon and chocolate? my 2 favorite things. it was all i could do not to run into the kitchen at 10pm and pull out the bacon and melt some chocolate and have at. but i used my willpower to just walk away. it didn't help that a little later brad came into the bed room to tell me that one of the women who tried the desert said from me to eat my heart out.
i need to give a congrats shout out to BF brad. he is now on the grid.
5 years ago