but why do i mention any of this? i've never been a big fan of anna nicole. i write this today because her death is no different from all the other countless women's deaths that happen across the country ever day. a pretty woman who sought attention from others to fill in the hole that was created in her heart. a pretty woman who got pregnant at a young age and wanted fame and fortune and had the body and the initiative to find it. and also a woman who put her trust in the wrong person, a controlling man who confused love with possession. a man who possibly helped her stay dependent on drugs. prescription or illegal, drugs are the same. it just comes down to what you can afford. but it happens all the time to women everywhere. and their deaths most of the time go without notice. and that's tragic.
anna nicole's death is more tragic only because we know who she was and had watched her life unfold. she became familiar to us so therefore we have more sympathy, even though the events that led to her death is nothing new but came with a different face. now we as the public will be looking for the stories that come from the baby. personally i hope the child inherits all of the billionaire's money, or a good percentage of it, also hoping that the child's father isn't howard k stern and the baby will grow up with love and affection and the unhealthy cycle that led to her mothers death broken.
and finally i bet the crazy astronaut woman was filled with glee that she was replaced on the front pages of the media by a bigger story.